Sidney H. Scheinberg, Chair of the Godwin Bowman PC Bankruptcy and Creditors Rights section, will be part of panel presenting a nation-wide webinar to members of the National Creditors Bar Association (NARCA). The topic of discussion will be a Fair Credit Reporting Act Overview: Rights, Obligation, and Exposure. Rates of Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) complaints have increased dramatically in recent years, leaving many to wonder about their obligations – and potential liability – under the statute. Mr. Scheinberg’s session, designed to provide a high-level overview of the FCRA, will address issues such as the purpose and scope of the statute, the use of consumer credit reports, the data furnisher rule, and the process for handling direct and indirect disputes of consumer credit information. The panelists will also discuss liability under the FCRA, and the ways in which it relates to – and often supplements claims under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Congratulations to Sid on the growing recognition, throughout multiple industries, of the experience and insights that he brings to businesses regarding bankruptcy and creditors rights.