Business & Commercial Litigation

Unfair Competition, Trade Secrets & Copyright Disputes in Texas

Trusted Dallas Commercial Litigation Attorneys

Godwin Bowman PC helps companies who are faced with any form of unfair competition, including trade secret theft and copyright violations. Our attorneys also help executives and companies wrongfully accused of such transgressions.

Unfair Competition

Unfair competition claims may include violations of non-competition agreements, non-solicitation agreements, non-disclosure agreements, and non-circumvention agreements, employee raiding claims, theft of trade secrets and proprietary information, and many other claims that arise out of a former employee’s, vendor’s or competitor’s actions that aim to undercut your business.

Our Dallas commercial litigation lawyers are experienced in identifying unfair competition practices and pursuing legal claims on behalf of companies who have been unfairly victimized by former employees, vendors, or business partners.

Trade Secrets

Trade secret litigation is not routine, and experience is what matters most when a trade secret dispute arises. Courts often conduct injunction hearings just days – and sometimes hours – after a lawsuit is filed, and this is often the only “trial” in the case. Attorneys who can effectively investigate, brief legal issues, and present evidence under such unique circumstances give their clients a considerable advantage. On the other hand, employers who lose at the initial injunction stage rarely get a second chance to present evidence regarding the enforceability of the agreement at issue.

Godwin Bowman PC attorneys have extensive experience in obtaining temporary restraining orders, temporary injunctions, and handling specific trade secret issues at the early stages of the litigation, as we have in lengthy lawsuits involving multiple defendants.


Copyrights are essential to business, granting the creator of an intellectual work the exclusive right to use that work. The rise of digital media over the past two decades has produced new difficulties and opportunities for those facing copyright disputes.

Here to Resolve Your Disputes

If you or your company are faced with a trade secret misappropriation or copyright infringement claim, contact Godwin Bowman PC today. Our skilled Dallas negotiators and litigators can effectively resolve these often complicated, yet critical, disputes
